If you need that users on linux machine share directories you can accomplish that by creating a directory and assign to it privileges

First make shared directory

sudo mkdir /home/Shared\ Directory

This will create a Shared Directory directory with root as owner and with permissions of 755 meaning root can read and write and everyone else can only read.

  1. All users can add to and delete from the folder and can read but not write to each others files
sudo chmod 0777 /home/Shared\ Directory

[2] All users can add to but can only delete files they own and can read but not write to each others files

sudo chmod 1777 /home/Shared\ Directory

All users can add to and delete from the folder and can read and write to every file:

sudo chown :plugdev /home/Shared\ Directory
sudo chmod 2775 /home/Shared\ Directory

Note1: You may have to add your users to the plugdev group depending on how you added the user:

sudo gpasswd -a mary plugdev\ Directory

Logout and log back in again for the group change to take affect.

Original post was taken from forums.linuxmint